Meet the DM Crop Research Group Team

Dr. Dan Moellenbeck


Dan works with clients to develop trial design and placement. He also coordinates insect population collections for resistance monitoring programs. Dan has a BS in Biometry from Iowa State University and a PhD in Entomology from Louisiana State. He is also a Board Certified Entomologist as designated by the Entomological Society of America.

Mel Peters

Senior Research Associate

Mel Peters joined DM Crop Research Group, Inc. in 2010. He coordinates our field research activities and works with farmer/cooperators to ensure the quality of our field research sites.

Amanda Sorgatz

Senior Research Associate

Amanda Hoffmann Sorgatz joined DM Crop in 2013. Amanda coordinates the maintenance of our corn rootworm and fall armyworm colonies and conducts our laboratory assays. Amanda earned her BS and MS in Entomology from Iowa State University.


Matt Johnston

Research Associate

Matt Johnston coordinates our research field crews and leads our tissue sampling projects. He was first employed in 2008 as a Summer Research Assistant. After he completed his B.S in Agronomy from Iowa State in 2018, he then transitioned to his current Research Associate position.

Matthew Gordon

Research Associate

Matthew operates and maintains our research equipment, maintains our field research sites, and assists in all aspects of our field research program. Matthew joined us in 2023 after working as a Sales Technician with a local Co-op. He brings extensive agronomy experience to our team.



We often work with other independent contract researchers to help our clients conduct research under diverse field conditions. We can coordinate multiple-location trials to help insure both consistency and compliance across multiple geographies.